Discover Art of Palmisrty
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Details: Discover the Art of Palmistry is the art or science of the working out of personal character and destiny by close observation of the lines upon, and shape of, the hand. Origins go back to antiquity. Aristotle and Alexander the Great, as well as Augustus, were palmists. The Palmistry Decoder makes this complex subject readily accessible. You can examine your own hands, check on lines and mounts, interpret the lengths of your fingers or the shape of your hands. You can compare your hands, remembering that your left hand indicates the initial you were born with, whereas the right hand reveals how you have used your gifts. Once you have learned to interpret the many messages and hints found in the lines and shapes of the hand, it will help you to become a better judge of character and people. You will become aware of the amazing variety and combination of archetypical lines and shapes and this will increase your powers of observation as well as provide you with a sophisticated source of entertainment.
- Discover the Art of Palmistry is the art or science of the working out of personal character and destiny by close observation of the lines upon, and shape of, the hand.
- You can examine your own hands, check on lines and mounts,
- interpret the lengths of your fingers or the shape of your hands.